Background information on the educational needs and socio-economical exclusion issues

Useful skills for adults

Public speaking good skill for everyone to stand up for rights, especially migrants but also adults who are not in the focus of specific education like university or school

Also, adult migrants face an even greater need to learn public speaking by first learning the language and then learning to express themselves

Public Speaking is not only a skill to acquire for speakers or entrepreneurs but also for students, teachers, immigrants and an improving skill for everybody’s life and personal development. Not only can it support in the communication with friends and family but is a profound skill to stand up for the rights of oneself and to clearly communicate own needs and successfully claim them. 

Especially adults who are usually not part of institutional education in any form benefit from public speaking skills not only in their professional lives in order to increase their communication skills and reach a higher proficiency but also in their personal in order to lower stress from social exclusion. 

The skills to communicate well can support how people talk about certain groups. Especially adults nowadays may have different ways on ow to talk about certain issues like migration, sexuality, health etc. Communication skills can shape the way people talk about these topics and therefore can set a different mindset and a change in the positive direction. For instance, by using a more inclusive language, addressing males and females, using more common words that extraordinary ones in order for a wide audience to feel addresses and to understand better. 

earning  to  be  an  effective,  ethical  public  speaker  is  one  of  the  most 

empowering,  rewarding educational  goals  you can  set  for yourself.   Even  the 

best  ideas  are  worthless  and  receive  no  credit  if  they  cannot  be  shared 

effectively with others.

earning  to  be  an  effective,  ethical  public  speaker  is  one  of  the  most 

empowering,  rewarding educational  goals  you can  set  for yourself.   Even  the 

best  ideas  are  worthless  and  receive  no  credit  if  they  cannot  be  shared 

effectively with others.

Learning  to  be  an  effective,  ethical  public  speaker  is  one  of  the  most 

empowering,  rewarding educational  goals  you can  set  for yourself.   Even  the 

best  ideas  are  worthless  and  receive  no  credit  if  they  cannot  be  shared 

effectively with others.  Acquiring skills for effective oral public communication 

has  been  central  to  becoming an  educated  person from  ancient  times  to  the 

present.    As  Clark  observes  in  the  Epilog  to  his  Rhetoric  in  Graeco-Roman 

Education, “Unless the student  is led  to organize  and synthesize the  learning 

he  acquires  by  exercises  in  making  and  doing,  speaking  and  writing,  the 

learning  is  not  truly  his  own.    This  art,  which  teaches  the  student  how  to 

acquire learning, to organize it, and to present it persuasively to an audience, is 

traditionally called rhetoric . . .  Isocrates [a famous teacher of public speaking 

in  ancient  Greece]  truly  declares,  ‘None  of  the  things  which  are  done  with 

intelligence are done without the aid of speech’” (1966, p. 264)

Learning  to  be  an  effective,  ethical  public  speaker  is  one  of  the  most 

empowering,  rewarding educational  goals  you can  set  for yourself.   Even  the 

best  ideas  are  worthless  and  receive  no  credit  if  they  cannot  be  shared 

effectively with others.  Acquiring skills for effective oral public communication 

has  been  central  to  becoming an  educated  person from  ancient  times  to  the 

present.    As  Clark  observes  in  the  Epilog  to  his  Rhetoric  in  Graeco-Roman 

Education, “Unless the student  is led  to organize  and synthesize the  learning 

he  acquires  by  exercises  in  making  and  doing,  speaking  and  writing,  the 

learning  is  not  truly  his  own.    This  art,  which  teaches  the  student  how  to 

acquire learning, to organize it, and to present it persuasively to an audience, is 

traditionally called rhetoric . . .  Isocrates [a famous teacher of public speaking 

in  ancient  Greece]  truly  declares,  ‘None  of  the  things  which  are  done  with 

intelligence are done without the aid of speech’” (1966, p. 264)

Learning to be an effective, ethical public speaker is one of the most empowering, rewarding educational goals you can set for yourself. Even the best ideas are worthless and receive no credit if they cannot be shared effectively with others. Acquiring skills for effective oral public communication has been central to becoming an educated person from ancient times to the present. As Clark observes in the Epilog to his Rhetoric in Graeco-Roman Education, “Unless the student is led to organize and synthesize the learning he acquires by exercises in making and doing, speaking and writing, the learning is not truly his own. This art, which teaches the student how to acquire learning, to organize it, and to present it persuasively to an audience, is traditionally called rhetoric . . . Isocrates [a famous teacher of public speaking in ancient Greece] truly declares, ‘None of the things which are done with intelligence are done without the aid of speech’” (1966, p. 264).

Public speaking skills should be part of every education, but most leave the educational system without having gained even the basics. The social fears that causes adults to avoid public speaking is many time stronger in students. This crippling fear causes students resist efforts to integrate speaking to their peers as part of the curriculum.  Educators have a hard time creating an environment that permits students to develop this critical skill.


Docan-Morgan, T. & Nelson, L., 2015. The Benefits and Necessity of Public Speaking Education. In: Public Speaking for the Curious. s.l.:s.n.